Jejak kaki masuk waiting room, file jatuh, berterabur segala dokumen yang aku selitkan dalam file. Celaka, alamat tidak baik. Sepanjang menunggu di dalam waiting room, semua muka kanak-kanak cekal macam manusia yang betul-betul nak mintak kerja. Dalam otak terfikir "Aku ni bawah kategori pelajar-pelajar nerdkah?"
After awhile, Ms Sheena yang super hot tetapi super cute bertanya pada aku "Dah ready ke?" Aku jawab laju dengan anggukan keras sebab cram menunggu. Partner Ms Sheena yang juga jelita dan berwajah 'korporat PETRONAS' membawa aku ke dalam bilik preparation untuk case study. Aku suka kedua-duanya, baik dan nampak berkaliber, walaupon tidaklah seramah bagai dikata Kong, mungkin kerana berat badan aku 30kg lagi berat. Habis (konon-kononnya) prepare kertas, aku kembali ke waiting room.
Setelah lebih sejam menunggu, aku dipanggil masuk ke bilik interview.
Bismillah. Sedikit do'a.
Aku masuk.
"Salam, sir."
"Salam, salam. Eh, rambut kamu memang gulung-gulung ke?"
Carut. Ketika itu juga aku sedar berkat do'a yang aku baca tadi hilang dengan tiba-tiba.
Aku malas nak tulis segala perbualan dalam interview. Ini bukannya pertandingan mengarang peringkat negeri Perak dengan tajuk 'Pengalaman Temuramah Pertama Saya' yang perlu ditulis sekurang-kurangnya 1000 patah perkataan.
Baik aku highlight adegan-adegan penting sahaja.
Highlight Satu
Him - "Kita terus ke case study. Tell me about it."
Me - "Well, sir. The case study is about homeschooling, the key point is...blablabla"
Him - "Stop. I don't like it. You know that you are wasting time? Kamu nak makan dekat cafe, kamu pusing sampai ke Ipoh dulu, then kamu balik UTP kamu makan?"
Adegan diteruskan dengan aku menjadi seolah-olah pelajar yang sedang membaca buku teks untuk ujian lisan.
Highlight Dua
Him - "Keep this in mind. I have my integrity. I am NOT AFRAID OF YOUR PARENTS. I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOUR UNIVERSITY AND I AM NOT AFRAID OF PETRONAS. I am afraid of God (whispering, sambil mata narrow giler). I... have... my...integrity. It is my job to evaluate you, not make you pass this."
Highlight Tiga
Me -"Blablabla" (Sambil tengok dia)
Him - "What the hell are you doing?! Why are you looking at my writing?! That's why you cannot concentrate on your points!!! I WANT TO SEE YOUR ABILITY TO THINK, YOUR THINKING SKILLS!!!"
Highlight Tiga
Him - "Were you even listening what I was saying?"
Me - "Yes, sir?"
Him - "You weren't listening, were you?" (Muker panas)
Highlight Empat
Habis kad A dan kad B. Kad C pula.
Him - "Kamu baca kad ni."
Him - "Done?"
Me - "Yes, sir."
Him - "Now, let me tell you how I will do it. Listen."
Me - "..." (Faham maksudnya)
Highlight Lima
Him - "Kamu tau tak, time interview candidates lain, banyak idea. Banyak yang saya catat. It flows. Dengan kamu, saya relax je. So, kiter relax je la ye?"
Highlight Enam
Me - "May I ask you a question, sir?"
Him - "There are other candidates. Let's not waste their time."
...HUARGH~!!! So, so, so beyond my imagination!!! How hard can a person be?! I was selected to be in the interview so I can be humiliated, just like 2nd screening Pre-EDX!!! Argh!!!
The minute he asked about my hair, my brain freezed. You know the rest of the story and you can predict the future.
I left, thinking "Are there still any vacancy to apply studying Master?" because I know I will have plenty of time and I won't have to wait for six months for any calls from PETRONAS.
Ooo, ko gelak ek? Gelakkan aku gagal interview? Laugh, you bitches~!!! (Sambil menutup muka berlari keluar blog nih)
To tell you the truth, I love the interview actually. Although it was extremely "therapeutics", it was exciting and thrilling. He is tough, but I guess I'm the lucky guy to get the interviewer as cool as him. Although I did not impress him, I am impressed that I actually experienced being scolded and angered at, even before I step my foot in an actual working environment. It was fun, to say the least, like riding roller coaster because you only feel its awesomeness after you are back on the ground.
For what it's worth, he is a cool guy. Very charismatic and have this I'm-very-confident looks. I wish I could be like him one day~
It's a love hate felling. Hate it? Maybe, but why should I? But definitely LOVE IT! Thanx PETRONAS for giving me this chance, although I have let you down. Sorry on that~
Till the next hell comes,
hahaha.. sorry bro. i cudn't help but to laugh my heart out!! not because what u had gone thru, but the way u put it...! mcm sempoii gle..! hehe..
chill bro. life aint always beautiful. shit happens.. ;)
Haha, tu la. All the way back I also was laughing my heart out, especially the hair thingy. But it was worthwhile~
something crossed my mind when i read this entry nymQ..
maybe the interviewer was just doing his reverse psychology..maybe you're the best he got for that day, and despite saying "you're the best today", he did that reverse psychology utk tgk your reaction.
well, so much of an optimism eh? hehe
ak rs kita nyer itvwer sme la~
nseb kita serupa~
masa mula2 msok bilik tu dia soh ak siram pokok~kua3..
mayb die igt ak nk apply jd secretary kot..haish..sadis btol
ak pon kne lebih krg cm ko la..ngarut la pkcik tu
tpkse wat muka tegar je la
dlm ati rs nk tembak2 toreh2 muka pkcik tu
Hopefully, Filzah. Hopefully~ (Not crossing fingers, just tawakkal)
Haha, ye ke? Mine is room B.Straight to the point. Takder introduction ape, teros case study and role playing. Haha. tapi betul, yang penting tegar dan senyum je~
oleh kerana aku baru belajar HRM sem nie, jadik aku teringatt these two words--> "stress interview"...the key points are, 'occasionally rude questions' (although in ur case, macam sentiasa rude questions and statements jek and 'make the interviewee uncomfortable'...the good thing is, die nak tgk camane ko react jek, so jgn cpt give up...yakin boleh!huhu~~
seramnye.. aku rase kan intrvwr tu pon gelak dlm ati tgk ko.. dgn rambut gulung2 sambil bermuke innocent tp penuh keyakinan (bukan kutuk tp pujian -_-).. hee~ tp best la ko de experience cmni... xsume org dpt tau... huuuu~
moq kau kan hensem, berbetart badn pon unggul, langkah maskulin sejati
bleh punyelah
ganbatte kudapai!
Aderla tgh2 tu cam give up, tapi buat kering je la... Kang nampak muker berubah, xbest lak die nak marah NymQ lebey2 kan? Hehe
Hehe...mekasih~ Yup, mmg best~ Hes just doin his job after all.
Arigato ne, Neng-kun?
ye rr nymq..
aku stuju ngan jannah..
aku pon rase dia saje je nk test ability ko tuk kawal stress~
well..jeles kt ko sbnrnye sbb dh dipanggil interview..
bilelah turn aku plak..
Ha, the good news for you Ain, actually banyak lagi yang die nak panggil. Tapi, sebab ade masalah ngan interviewers yang tak cukup dan tak dapat hadir, die hadkan dulu. So akan ade lagi panggilan pas nih, the nearest pertengahan bulan 5.
And as far as Im concern, semua dak2 markah lebih kurang je (Checked the test result). Semua orang dapat C dalam ability test tuh, takde yang 'extraordinary'.
haha nyamox.. actually dia run a type of interview style on u called Stress Interview (blaja dari HRM) to test your ability to think, react, and work under pressure.
when faced with this, cool and chill je.. be as professional as possible.
as long as ko x kerek balik ngn dia, u'll be fine XD
aku cuak setelah mmbaca ini
klw jadi kat aku cemane?
Yes! Be professional, be-e, professional! (Ala2 cheerleader)
Ko kentalnye, Pidus. Ntah2 die yang kene ngutuk ngan ko pastuh~! Haha~
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