Sunday, October 2, 2011

Adele is awesome

1. Bought new sport shoes! Been three years I used the same red Adidas. Skang Asics je, konon2 nak jogginglah. Phuwekkk! Eh, semangat skit, saya akan kurus dalam masa dua bulan!!!

2. Skang dah pukul it's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now walopon esok kerja. Tak kira, nak merepek dulu.

3. Saya cinta Samsung Galaxy SII saya. Cinta! Lagi cinta bila bil dibayar penuh.

4. Saya tulis ni untuk kamu. Ya, orang istimewa saya.

5. Since puasa, now I've finally reached the magical number 100. Sungguh. Pity my clothes, bike, chair. Basically everything.

6. Sekarang banyak cabaran bekerja. Challenges yang challenging. But I am grateful for my life is not mundane.

7. As of now, Bert dah kawen ngan Jannah and are expecting a child, Smak dah kawen, Khai dah bertunang, achan dha bertunang. Kay dah baik daripada cancer. Tok Diah kena strok, Tok Ayah dah takdak. Oh ya! Amy pon dah kawen! This year memang banyak cerita. Hehe~

8. Played laser tag and it was cool~ =)

9. Life is pretty amazing.

10. I need to cut my nails or the girls will be pissed off.

Nyte semua. Kerja rajin-rajin. Hope semua have an awesome week ahead!

Till then,


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